Tips for Kittens

What age do Kittens open their Eyes

What age do Kittens open their Eyes? is today’s our topic. It is common to notice that the kittens pass through certain essential stages of development, as all animals do get to this stage by stage. One of the most anticipated events in the life of young ones is probably the first opening of their eyes. Every person must consolidate the basics of the kitten’s eye development stages and other relevant skills of walking, crying, growing, etc. This level is secured up to more than 60% of the nursing children. What age do Kittens open their Eyes all the important points related to kitten health are also discussed below.

What age do Kittens open their Eyes?

Kittens are born without any vision, which indicates that their eyes are completely closed. Eyes begin to be sighted at** seven to fourteen days**. Some of them may take a little longer while others tend to open theirs a little earlier. This is somewhere in the middle, suggesting your kitten is developing normally. 

What to Expect with the Kitten’s Eyesight

What age do Kittens open their Eyes and what to expect with kitten eyesight is a big question. Kittens usually open their eyes within two weeks of childbirth. However, this does not mean that they can see well the instant they open their eyes. At first, they have poor eyesight and are very sensitive to bright nelly. Like other body features, their sense of vision will develop and get better with time, but the full completion of vision is reached only when the kittens are around eight weeks old.

What are the Normal Steps and Stages of Development of Kitten Eyes?

It is also essential to keep an eye on the development of a kitten’s eye as it ensures that it is developing in the right way. This is why you need to pay attention and monitor the progress of a cat’s eyes: Here are some:

  • Around 7–14 days. The eyelids will be opening up systematically and this goes on for several days.
  • At 3 weeks old. The kitten’s sight starts to be better but the kitten is still reliant on other sensory parts like the nose and paws.
  • By 8 weeks. Their eyesight is nearly all developed and they can move around their surroundings in detail.

Common Complications In the Evolution of What age do Kittens open their Eyes

Even though most kittens develop their eyes normally, there can in some cases be some problems such as:

  • Eye infections: Even a mild infection can be concerning if a kitten’s eyes look puffy, red or filled with discharge. It is better to take veterinary assistance in this case.
  • Delayed opening: If a kitten does not open its eyes after a maximum of 14 days the eyes must be checked for abnormal swelling and a vet seen immediately.

Newborn Kitten Care Guide: Helping Your Kitten To Develop In A Healthy Way

Handling a newborn kitten is very important at this age. This is so because proper instructions will prevent such problems as abnormal development in the kitten.

  • Creating a Comfortable Environmental Setting

Make sure that the kitty is lodged in a calm, warm and secure setting. An adequate amount of body temperature cannot be maintained by newborn kittens as they often depend on heat. A soft bed in some non-draft corner will be perfect for them.

  • Nutrition and Time of Feeding the Kitten

At first, all kittens rely on their mother’s milk. A veterinarian should be consulted in the absence of a mother cat regarding the purchase of some milk replacement formula. Newborn kittens should be given food at intervals of every 2–3 hours.

  • Maintaining Hygiene

Ensure that the surrounding area of the kitten is clean and dry to prevent any sort of infection. Focus on the eyes and the face area of the kitten especially in these early periods as they are very delicate. If there is any eye discharge, use a soft moist cloth to clean it off.

When Do Kittens Start Walking? 

Although the development of the eye of a kitten is important, this development of a sense of mobility is also important and is when the kitten starts walking.

  • A Kittens Walking Timeline Approximation

First attempts at standing up and walking take place between the ages of 3 to 4 weeks. At this phase, they will wobble and fall often but this is a process of learning. Coordinated movements with somewhat stiff legs will be observed for about 5 weeks.

  • Promoting Mobility in Kittens

Encouraging kittens to walk around a safe area will help enhance their motor skills and sense of balance. Do not put them in high places where they may fall off and get hurt.

Kitten Growth Timeline: What to Expect as Kittens Grow

One thing that is for sure is that a kitten grows at a rapid pace and knowing how each of the growth stages unfold would assist you know what to expect.

Week 1: The Newborn Stage

Kittens are heavily dependent on Mother Cat during the first few days for warmth and nourishment. They are also blind and inability to hear. However, they can smell their mothers. They are mainly sleeping and eating.

Week 2–3: Eyes Opening and Early Senses

This is when kittens begin to open their previously sealed eyes and ears thus enabling them to volumetrically make sense of the surroundings. All their senses have not fully developed but within this period kittens exhibit awareness in moving about.

Week 4–5: Learning to Walk and Explore

Starting from weeks 4 to 5, kittens can move around a wheelchair in a confined space. They can see better and they can walk, climb, run and interact with other kittens in play. This stage is very important when it comes to socialization and the acquisition of basic skills.

Week 6–7: Socialization and Playtime

At this age, kittens are much more active and begin to engage with their siblings and human caregivers. They can now take solid food, and personality development is beginning to take form.

H3: Week 8 and Beyond: Being Self-Sufficient

Apart from being litter trained, by the 8th week, kittens are quite self-sufficient. They can eat by themselves and have attained several good motor skills. It is quite common for kittens to be ready for adoption during this period.

Baby Steps In Portraying Kitten Growth Chart

An abstract of the development milestones of a kitten is provided below which can be used to check how old a kitten is rather than a physical drain of the baby:

  • Week 1: Keep the inner eyelids closed, stay for reliance on mother’s milk.
  • Week 2–3: The third eyelid begins to open; faint attempts of mobility can be observed.
  • Week 4–5: Moving and walking towards solid food.
  • Week 6–7: Done with learning socialization and started eating on their own.
  • Week 8: Normal vision and running cats.

How To Help Kittens Go To Adulthood

What age do Kittens open their Eyes and how to help kittens go to adulthood is a very interesting phase pf kitten development. While the kittens grow into more huge and more mischievous balls of fur, they will also acquire some adult characteristics including self-grooming, and more engagement with humans or other pets in the house. Such an atmosphere should still be maintained, while the kitten grows into a cat.

Regular Vet Checkups

These medical checkup appointments should not be missed within the first few weeks in the case of a little kitten. Immunization, deworming, and any clinical findings ought to be done so that our kittens develop into proper adult cats.

Childproofing your home: however, for cats

Kitten’s curiosity is unlimited, and they are inclined to investigate everything. Eliminate any dangers including cords, sharp objects and small things that may be choked.


What age do Kittens open their Eyes will happen at different periods in a kitten’s life, but by no means is it the last. Each point of one’s growth stage in kittens is of great importance even from the first days of life when the kittens’ eyes are closed to the point when they can stand up on their feet and start connecting with the surroundings. 

Therefore, these developmental milestones are important to know how to care best for the kittens within their first few weeks. Following the kitten development timeline and this newborn kitten care guideline will ensure that you are ready to assist your kitten during every development phase.

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